In a day chock-full of listening and learning, lunchtime provides the perfect opportunity for students to connect. In our April blog, we discussed how research shows lunchtime activities with peers were a significant predictor of whether a student felt they belonged. ...
How to Make Your Employees Raving Fans
We had the opportunity to dive into the challenge of creating meaningful company culture amidst hybrid work schedules and a dynamic workforce by speaking to Jonathan (Jon) Brickner. Jon is an Employee Experience Designer at Steelcase, one of the leading companies in...
Hot Meals for Residents in Tornado-Ravaged Kentucky
In December 2021, tornadoes ravaged the Southern United States and Ohio Valley. Among the worst-hit were towns in Western Kentucky where more than 1,000 homes and buildings were destroyed. In Dawson Springs, KY, 75% of homes were destroyed. Many people in this area...
5 Creative Solutions for Safe, Engaging Catered Events
Like many industries, catering has faced many challenges and disruptions since early 2020. From restrictions on the number of attendees to eliminating stand-up receptions and indoor dining, hosting events looks far different now than it did in 2019. But we’ve...
3 Keys to Employee Satisfaction, from an Employee
As we all try to navigate the strain of the labor shortage, we go back to our roots for answers — our food service team members. When the average person changes careers between 5-7 times in their lifetime, it is refreshing to hear stories of employees pursuing their...
More Restaurant, Less Rest Home
Adult living (or senior living, assisted living, whichever you prefer to call your industry) is moving at a breakneck pace from healthcare to true hospitality. Not just a trendy pivot or a “nice to have,” luxurious and modern amenities are essential to staying...
3 Things Hospitality Management Companies Wish Bid Consultants Knew
Your client wants a hospitality management program that will be acclaimed by employees, students, residents and guests. They are looking for a program that is sustainable for years to come—and one that’s negotiated at the right price. Most times, your client relies...
Creative Dining Fights Food Insecurity
To say that the Coronavirus has disrupted lives would be an understatement. Healthcare workers have been stretched to exhaustion while over 33 million Americans have lost their jobs during this economic downturn. The need for food is at an all-time high as an...
4 Ways to Unite Your COVID Task Force & Your Dining Team
“We’ll get through this together.” The saying may have already reached cliché status, but we can recognize the wisdom in it. By sharing knowledge and resources, by coordinating efforts, we can face the pandemic more aptly and emerge from it stronger than we could...