Dining Insights

Do you want to stay on top of the trends in the culinary world? Our team of experts can help. Check out these insights, tips, and recipes.

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Two (Tasty!) Reasons to Eat a Plant-Based Meal

Two (Tasty!) Reasons to Eat a Plant-Based Meal

What if we told you that your next meal can taste amazing while also supporting your health and the planet by being plant-based? Interested? It’s simpler than you think: Order or prepare a meatless meal.  Not a vegan or vegetarian? No problem! Even meat lovers...

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Packaging Blues? How to Be Greener During COVID

Packaging Blues? How to Be Greener During COVID

We were all working hard to avoid filling up landfills. Reusable coffee cups and water bottles trumped plastic and Styrofoam. Little to no packaging was the name of the sustainable game. Plastic cutlery, straws, and individually-wrapped foods were taboo. Less...

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Shaking Up Sugar for National Nutrition Month

Shaking Up Sugar for National Nutrition Month

The Creative Dining nutrition team has educated & equipped leaders across all of our dining locations ways to help combat these statistics with our March initiative “Sugar Shake-Up,” which includes right-sizing dessert portions, mixing in healthier ingredients when baking (such as nuts and dried fruits), and encouraging more water consumption (and less sugary beverages) by offering fruit-infused waters and various brands of flavored waters.

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RECIPE: Kimchi Cole Slaw

Made from fermented veggies and Korean red pepper, this new take on cole slaw makes a spicy unexpected side dish with its radishes and sweet potatoes. SERVES 4-6 Ingredients: 6 cups napa cabbage, fine shred2 cups sweet potatoes, julienne2 cups Daikon radishes,...

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