Whether you’ve held a leadership role for years or are a first-time manager, there’s one change you can make today to improve the tone of your meetings, interactions, and team efficiency: be intentionally joyful. It’s a deceptively simple idea. While this concept may...
Dining Insights
Do you want to stay on top of the trends in the culinary world? Our team of experts can help. Check out these insights, tips, and recipes.
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Get the Most Out of Your New (or Refurbished!) Dining Facility
If there’s one thing that brings people together, it’s food. From individual dishes to beautiful dining halls, we’ve spent decades learning exactly what diners want in a dining experience. Chuck Melchiori, vice president and founding...
Creative Dining Chefs Get a Taste of Africa at Worlds of Flavor 2022
What do barbecue, fried fish, and black-eyed peas have in common? All these common cooking techniques or ingredients originally came to North America from Africa. This culinary impact, as well as other ingredients and preparation methods, took center stage at Worlds...
How to Accommodate the Needs of Diverse Diners
Offering a diverse menu isn’t just about the number of offerings you have, but about meeting specific diner needs. We interviewed Marjorie Shamp, the director of campus dining at The College of Wooster, and Johnny McCoy, an executive chef at a Creative Dining college...
The Latest “Farm to Table” Trend: Coffee
We know the importance of sourcing responsibly and sustainably. We’ve previously talked about how our executive chefs have the freedom to support local farmers and producers when sourcing, but our efforts to be more sustainable extend beyond food and into the drinks...
New Ways to Enjoy Michigan Blueberries
Culinarians from around the country came to West Michigan this summer to learn more about blueberries and explore new ways to create amazing dishes with them. Hosted by the U.S. Highbush Council in conjunction with the Sterling Rice Group, these culinarians toured...
Ways to Boost Recruitment Beyond Boosting Wages
No matter the industry, you can probably relate to the strain on recruitment and retention. The Creative Dining team doesn’t pretend to have the magic potion for finding top talent and keeping them, but we can point to data that shows we're beating the industry...
Hospitality Companies and Clients: Pathway to Greater Success
“Learn to listen and listen to learn,” says Todd Tekiele, the founder of City of Hospitality Group, a company committed to providing a framework for next-level partnerships between colleges, corporations, adult living facilities, and their dining partners. Recently...
Farm Feature: Family-Owned Crisp Country Acres
While supply chain issues have touched nearly every industry across the globe, we’ve had a deliciously creative solution for years: buying from local farmers. We’re featuring one of our partner farms, Crisp Country Acres. They supply our West Michigan accounts with...